Book Review: Benjamin Graham And The Power of Growth Stocks by Frederick K. Mart

Discussion in 'Must-Read Interviews, Articles & News Items' started by Vidhi Khanna, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. Vidhi Khanna

    Vidhi Khanna Active Member Staff Member

    Mar 19, 2015
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    Benjamin Graham And The Power of Growth Stocks is the most important investment book I’ve ever read. Employing the principles outlined in the book, the author’s firm (Disciplined Growth Investors) has generated exceptional results for his clients.


    Buying high-growth stocks of companies that offer something exceptional to their customers after a 30-50% decline from a market top has historically provided returns to investors way in excess of those of the overall market. Such an investment strategy requires doing battle with one’s own psyche – researching companies for years without investing, investing only every few years, holding for long periods of time, and buying during times of widespread negativity about the economy and the market.
