How Do You Reduce Sleep Quota and Increase Sleep Quality?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Srouta Mukherjee, Dec 6, 2015.

  1. Srouta Mukherjee

    Srouta Mukherjee Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2015
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    Sadhguru explains that what the body needs is rest, and not necessarily sleep. If the body is at ease while you are awake, the sleep quota will go down. He also looks at how the quality of sleep is connected to the quality of life. If you wake up well, you will sleep well he says.

  2. Kamalesha

    Kamalesha New Member

    Feb 27, 2016
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    Many factors affect how much sleep you need, so it’s impossible to say exactly what might best help you reduce your need for sleep. In fact, some people, due to their personal constitution and/or their life circumstances, should not try to reduce that need.In any case, I suggest that you begin by exploring how to improve the quality of your sleep. The first places you might look are your diet and your daily schedule. I recommend Vegetarian Cooking for Starters for an excellent treatment of yogic diet. As for your daily schedule, the more consistent your bedtime and rising time, the better will be the quality of your sleep, and hence the greater will be your potential for sleeping less. Here is a post on my personal website on my personal website where you’ll find a number of simple tips for better sleep.
  3. HaroldNHulsey

    HaroldNHulsey New Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Sadhguru explains that what the physique wishes is rest, and now not always sleep. If the physique is cozy while you might be wide awake, the sleep quota will go down. He additionally looks at how the exceptional of sleep is hooked up to the nice of existence. For those who wake up well, you are going to sleep well he says.I've some excellent work experience with a OOH Advertisement ERP and my phrases are naturally situated on what I felt via such procedures in the past.
  4. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Sleep quota is necessary.Rest can not substitute sleep.During sleep only mind find time to repair body,otherwise during day we keep it too busy.With sound sleep our mind can keep us healthy.Do your ever think why during illness and pain doctrs give pill for sleeping,just to give chance to brain to heal us.Why person during extreme pain ,person goes in coma,as body give our brain to try hard ,so that it can concentrate on healing.
    New_Investor likes this.
  5. darth

    darth Active Member

    Dec 9, 2015
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    Coma and body healing.... Hearing it for the first time.

    Pretty certain that the body does not decide to enter a coma which is a profound shutdown of brain functions. So when brain's not functioning or functions partially how does it heal the body? Happy to be proved wrong.

    Medically induced coma too.... Sometimes essential to prevent damage to the brain and/or prevent experiencing extreme pain. Similar to anaestheia i suppose.

    Sleep .... An astonishing phenomena. What actually occurs during sleep makes an amazing read and importantly why some of it occurs still an open question.