Peak Income Tax on Salary Class must be restricted to 20%

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by kharb, Jan 27, 2018.

  1. kharb

    kharb Well-Known Member

    Aug 15, 2015
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    Peak Income Tax on Salary Class must be restricted to 20%.Now a days jobs are mostly in pvt sector. There is no job stability or permanency like Govt Jobs. More over many of pvt job holders lose jobs many time before retirement, or there are ups and down and even without job in some years of his life. When persons are doing well he has to pay 30% peak income tax plus cess. But when the same person lose jobs,he has no social security or no refund of tax. More over why Govt want to squeeze only Salary Class. Why don't increase your tax net further. In this country sale of luxury cars and other goods for rich are sold on large no but why Govt can not force them to pay taxes. ANDHE BHAKTS of this Govt among Salary Class has done huge harm to this section as Govt now think they need not to take care of Middle and Salary Class and Govt is confident that their Andhe Bhakts will be able to influence this class at the time of elections. But Govt should also remember that influence of Andhe Bhakts is on decline as seen in Gujrat Election.So better Govt realise realty , before it hits back at the time of next election. So Govt needs to either reduce peak income tax on Salary Class at 20% or should make some formulae for refund of tax back or compensation if person lose job.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2018