I think the following stat is quite worrying as per me.
Check this: https://www.npci.org.in/what-we-do/upi/upi-ecosystem-statistics
Filter Top 15 PSP volumes for July and Aug. Check the “UPI Payee PSP Volume” for Cosmos bank which is the main sponsor bank for NPST. There is a drop in volume from 297 million txs (July 24) to 60 million txs (Aug 24). Drop of 80%. This points to some big issue at Cosmos.
Also, note prior to May’24 the volume at Cosmos was growing inline with the other PSP players. But what explains the sudden jump from May 24 – 70 million txs to Jun 24 – 260 million txs?
Payee PSP – Under this function a bank can onboard a customer/merchant & allow them to receive money basis allocated UPI ID or raise a Collect request. It is also known as beneficiary PSP/resolving PSP.