Will Have Nearly 4.9 GW Of Solar Cell And Solar Modules Each: Tata Power
Posts in category Value Pickr
Macpower CNC Machines: Manufacturing a Strong Growth? (17-09-2024)
As per announcement, capacity for FY 26 would be 2500 machines, depending on whether the same is increased by April 2025 as mentioned in the note. Even a 75-80% blended utilisation can result in more than 400 crores revenue. Of course it depends on how the capex proceeds.
Earlier, the management had told that they’d be doing this 500 machines capex in FY26 and the note came as a welcome surprise that it’ll be commissioned at start of FY26. In case it does and even at 21-22 lakhs realisations 400 Cr top line in FY26 doesn’t look a difficult task particularly with the kind of order book and order intake the company is having.
The Q2 results might give a fair idea as to how the current capex is holding since 2000 machines means that per month capacity should be close to 160 machines now. So perhaps this year it’ll be interesting to see whether we have a 400 machines sold quarter.
Macpower CNC Machines: Manufacturing a Strong Growth? (17-09-2024)
I have visited the facility 3 months back.
Unit II is a warehouse which holds raw materials. No production happens there.
Gujarat ValuePicker WhatsApp Community Needed (17-09-2024)
Gujarat ValuePicker WhatsApp Community Please
Medi Assist Healthcare Services Limited (17-09-2024)
Tpa business=No brainer sometime back. Less regulation, consolidating market and one serious market leader+Lesser risky way to play health insurance. Key learning: Always look for sectors with low competition or consolidating markets
credits : super investor
Smallcap momentum portfolio (17-09-2024)
You are comparing with which index? Coz stocks here are from smallcap universe, so you have to compare with smallcap 250 index and not nifty 500.
Mudit’s Portfolio (Stage Analysis + Price Momentum) (17-09-2024)
I agree with you that momentum funds are the best instruments to follow this strategy. They are trust entities so very tax efficient. The only problem is they are having very long re-balancing period. If they would have been following atleast 1 month as rebalancing period, I would have stopped doing this DIY. Most research papers show that momentum in stocks , in general sustains over 6 months to 1 year. Hence as opposed to buy and hold strategy where holding long-term is a virtue, in this strategy, holding long term becomes a disadvantage. Are you not worried about momentum decay and getting entangled with stocks with losing momentum, if you hold longer? After all its all going to be short term capital gains only, then why wait for 6 months? Also In Stocks on the Move, by Andreas Clenow, even being a hedge fund, they followed weekly rebalancing so that they are always with high momentum stocks instead of stale momentum…What u say about that?