@KS16 Thanks for all the informative post you bring for the forum.
What you all think about IRB Invit and Bharat Highway against NAV to traded price. IRB Invit is loaded with BOT asset and Bharat is loaded with all HAM asset. IRB Invit no visibility when next asset will be loaded . Bharat is awaiting for approval from NHAI on take over of GR Aligarh Kanpur Highway . Bharat also has a ROFO agreement with GRIL , nothing as such for IRB Invit though stable asset generally comes to IRB Invit from its sponsor. But IRB also has another private Invit but mostly focused on construction of asset.
As on March-2024 IRB Invit has NAV of INR 98.32 and market price at steep discount of 62.
As on March-2024 Bharat Highway NAV INR 114.12 . Market price tracking NAV almost.
Generally there remains a discount to NAV for traded price. Any thoughts.