Bharat-Forge has obtained the Transfer of Technology (ToT) for the WhAP 8×8 wheeled armoured platform. This will be the second armoured vehicle from Kalyani’s stable along with the Kalyani M4. Tata Mahindra and L&T are direct competitors in this area. This is discounting the possibility of the army going for US’s Stryker which is twice as expensive and doesn’t provide any thing that’s significantly better.
Kalyani’s current WHAP was said to be based on the Terrex Infantry Carrier Vehicle (ICV) that has been developed by ST Engineering of Singapore and Timoney Technology of Ireland[source]
With the requirement for FICV being around 1750, the total order can be close to 40,000Cr. If the army does not follow the L1:L2(60:40) bidding, there is still room for all and the concurrency can speed up the procurement. Also, one company may not be able to put in place a production line that can cater to manufacture thousands.