Posts in category Value Pickr
EPL – Essential Packaging Company (30-08-2024)
Sustainable or no, these tubes are commodities, why do you think they deserve a premium?
Lt foods (daawat) (30-08-2024)
I seriously don’t think it will ever happen
This will be always rice company
Just to put things in perspective rte and other will contribute max 10% to revenue by 2028
It’s upto you if you believe in domestic packaged food consumption story
But this will be always a rice company
RTE RTC will be second fiddle
I don’t see it contributing more than 25% of revenue even in next 5 years
RACL Geartech Limited (30-08-2024)
I have attended the concall.
management has reduced the guidance of 550cr topline in fy25.
major reason is geopolitical issue
EPL – Essential Packaging Company (30-08-2024)
So I can just try to answer a part of your question, like they’ve already mentioned that some of their clients/MNCs mainly have sustainability targets (previously mentioned by them in PPTs as well) so I mean those cos. would want the sustainable tubes so they might be getting to increase wallet share & gain few customers due to sustainable move. But yes I do agree with you on the pricing front, I myself would like to believe that there should be some sort of advantage in pricing of sustainable tubes vs. normal ones. Let’s see maybe down the line things change.
Anant Raj Limited (30-08-2024)
One more interesting thing they mentioned in last concall was that revenue from data center business can scale up further by 4x to 5x if they also offer cloud services from its data centers at a very less incremental capex. So the revenue projection of 3300 crores excludes potential revenue from cloud.
And interestingly, they have now partenered with Google to offer cloud services only.
Looking forward to their next concall to understand on cloud business plans.
Hariom Pipes Ltd: A Capex Play! (30-08-2024)
is management given any margin expansion guidance as business is at very low margins right now.
Sumit’s Portfolio (30-08-2024)
As far as the risks go, yes this business is highly dependent of client-RM relationship. Hence RM attrition is a key monitorable in this business and Anand Rathi has one of the lowest RM attrition in the industry.
DCX Systems Ltd (30-08-2024)
Plans are many and runway is huge. Markets will only believe & appreciate once (if) the execution meets the words.
Remains one to be experienced.
Holding & increased substantially across the past several weeks. Waiting.
Anant Raj Limited (30-08-2024)
Ananat Raj, acquired by cash consideration of 42 cr. 11 acres land in Haryana sector 63A. Replenishing of land bank, where they have strong foot hold.
D: Invested