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Wednesday, Sep 09, 2015
The export to excel button seems to be missing.. have i done something incorrectly?
Has it been removed? I would attach an image, but I don’t see an attach option.
Please help!
Wednesday, Sep 09, 2015
@Mahesh Would love to hear your views on what would be a fair P/E for Syngene
If venturing into commercial manufacturing is successful, then 5 years post start of commercial manufacturing, opportunity could be huge for this company…..It will not be right to put any number to it but one can gauge the size from the fact that industry itself is likely to grow in double digits in foreseeable future.
Getting associated with an innovator for NME takes atleast 8-10 years of trust building….forget here the high quality standards you need to maintain and multiple inspections that you need to clear not only from regulatory authorities but also from the innovator.
Just wait for Sep.’15 shareholding vivek, its not far away…..we might find good institutional holding in that shareholding disclosure. With rgds. to Columbia Pacific, you can find its details on https://www.columbiathreadneedleus.com ….its heartening to see the fund investing more than 3 % of its corpus in Syngene……the fund seems to be a long term investor with many bluechip names in its holding….
Already got nod for 100% FDI in white label ATMs, whats the impact with Vakrangee
@Mahesh I like both Syngene and Suven – both would be among my top 6-7 bets (if I was forced to take 6-7 bets). With Syngene, what I like more is that they are involved from discovery stage for many molecules. With Suven, what I like is that they have mind-blowing margins for CRM (ex their in-house research); inspite of their cash guzzling research, and assuming none of this fructifies, I still believe Suven is a very good business. If one wants to take the inhouse research into consideration for valuation, then I agree – Suven has no place in a concentrated portfolio. Syngene I feel is slightly overvalued at CMP, Suven is fairly valued.
@Vivek_6954 As Mahesh has mentioned, the 3 phases of clinical trials take 6-8 years, not even considering the discovery phase. So if a company enters this business today and if they get small contracts, the partner might see that they are doing good work after few years, but to build trust about privacy with the partner, and particularly in the industry would take a longer time. The other aspect is one would need to start with smaller number of scientists and increase as one gets more contracts. One can poach a handful of experienced scientists here-there but not a team as large as Syngene.
Q for scuttlebutt: How satisfied are the scientists at Syngene/Suven with their careers?
Discl.: No holding in Syngene or Suven. Recently sold off stake in Suven on realizing mistake that there is no MoS.
Your book value erodes – when you engage in risky lending that ends up in capital losses.. Typically, if you have a history of riskier lending, then the market values you at lower P/BV….
Thanks for explaining the Syngene story in a lucid way.
Whats your take on Opp size & ROCE for the co?Will it be in an ever increasing model?
Are entry barriers so high that it will take a long time for competitors to creep in?
Any update on instl holding in the co ? who is this columbia pacific which bt 18 lacs shares on listing day?
Sreekanth…..As explained by me earlier in this thread also, Suven’s business model is different….If I tell you frankly, in last many years I tried evaluating Suven thrice but every time I got turned down and decided against investing in this company….its not that there is any particular problem with the company but it doesn’t suit my concentrated investment approach….As far as comparison with Syngene is concerned, I fond Suven’s business model relatively more riskier as its majorly dependent on success of Suven’s research and that too in concentrated therapeutic area…..no doubt success on that front could make it quite big but Suven’s approach so far seems to be more of an outlicensing……also, I try to stay away from managements who make noise of every small small things in the form of press releases to stock exchanges…..otherwise industry feedback is not bad for Suven its just that it doesn’t suit my investment style…..
Rgdg. MPS, it is getting attractive every passing day…..at less than 14 times organic FY16e EV/EBITDA the stock has reached extremely attractive valuation zone and one right move on inorganic front could significantly rerate the stock thats what I believe…..MPS seems to be in a sweet spot because of global turmoil which we all are witnessing…it has cash ready and it just need to spend it the right way without making any hasty decision….
When we see the Annual results for some companies the screener shows Mar 14 as last year and some companies Mar 15 as Last year. Is this some kind of error? Some companies example listed below
Premco -Mar 14
Kaveri seeds -Mar 14
Ajanta Pharma -Mar 15
Poly Medicure -Mar 14
This tool is very basic, rudimentary and qualitative tool only. Giving only ‘Pass’ or ‘Fail’ to each parameter is not going to give a crisper and clearer picture. How parameters like ‘Company started by promoters’ and ‘dent on promoters’ (just to take an example) would be defined and a pass/fail criteria would be applied. Better would be to list a set of criteria into three parts : 1. Quality of earning (profitability analysis); 2. Quality of Balance Sheet (leveraging, use of assets, etc.) and 3. Type of industry.
These three broad parameters with some sub parameters would give you a very detailed analysis for a stock.
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