Posts in category Value Pickr
Cosmo Films – Diffentiated player in commodity business (28-08-2024)
As per company concall Q1 FY25,
BOPP Margins has improved from rs. 12 per kg to rs.19 per kg… management is foreseeing that, this may continue further due to increase in demand domestic as well export. their speciality films has better realization and export demand increased.
Chemical business is doing good and have double digit EBITA margins.
Zigly may take some time and incremental stores are happening according to plan. GMV is 4 add crores per month.
Rigid packaging ( plastech ) will contribute topline to by Q4 FY25. Window films commercialization will b by FY26.
Debt is at 600 odd crores which will come down by FY26.
Many new initiatives and products are on track and have to be monitored carefully
InterGlobe Aviation – Indigo (28-08-2024)
Indigo is the only choice for as many as 20% direct routes. Also highest number of direct destinations. This will remain for next few years as Air India just does not have the planes to add routes or increase capacity in popular routes across metros and BLR/AMD.
Hindustan Unilever (HUL) (28-08-2024)
Limited biased view, the way to look at HUL could be:
A large venture fund, managing a portfolio of brands, that has a lot of cash and can buy out any emerging competition to any of its categories. It can compete and when it can’t it can take over
An alternative to bonds with reasonable capital appreciation and growing dividends built in. From that reference point getting 10-12% with growing dividends could be appealing. Then the PE debate may not be that significant
Disc: Invested, biased.
Tanla Platforms ~ Leading player in the fast-growing CPaaS market (27-08-2024)
Tanla seems to be getting in the sweet spot , telecom regulatory environmemt wise.
TRAI seems to be meaning business this time.
Tanla’s real success in platform has been regulatory wise. Not Wisely.
No reco.
Hindustan Unilever (HUL) (27-08-2024)
When I mentioned that the stock is “priced for the next 30 years,” I didn’t mean there wouldn’t be any appreciation over that period. Instead, I was referring to the expectations that the market has already built into the current price. In short, the market is expecting HUL to generate free cash flows over a significant time, which is reflected in the current stock price.
Cosmo Films – Diffentiated player in commodity business (27-08-2024)
I think, bopp price dip is seasonal and corelated to PP prices.This is usual phenonomena during July-Aug.if aomeone has obsereced price trend New PP prices pls suggest if my iunderstanding needs recheck. prices shall stabilise and rise before festive season.
D-no cosmo holding…looking for fleble packaging exporters for study.