Sebi today said sale and purchase of shares under ESOP will not be considered as ‘trading’ but companies need to comply with disclosure norms in this regard.
Posts in category All News
Prabhat Dairy IPO opens on Aug 28, price band at Rs 140 – Rs 147/share (24-08-2015)
Integrated milk and dairy products maker Prabhat Dairy Ltd has announced its public offer, which will be open between August 28 and September 1.The price band has been fixed at Rs 14…
It’s ‘Black Monday’ again; 7 out of ten biggest crashes on Dalal Street (24-08-2015)
It was a ‘Black Monday’ again in markets today and history shows that seven out of the ten biggest carnages on Dalal Street has taken place on a Monday! This strange coincidence holds true…
Rupee slumps to 66.65 as China woes rattle global markets (24-08-2015)
The rupee slumped to as low as 66.65 per dollar in the evening session, its lowest since September 2013, as Asian markets reeled under fears of a China-led global economic slowdown. The…
Emerging assets hit new multi-year lows on China contagion (24-08-2015)
Contagion from China’s equity malaise spread across emerging markets on Monday, driving a 4 per cent tumble in the benchmark equity index, while currencies fell 1-2 per cent to multi-year lows aga…