Up to Thursday, FIIs had net sold Rs 19,994 crore, per NSDL data, with another Rs 3,404 crore offloaded on Friday. Initially driven by a ‘Buy China, Sell India’ trend due to attractive Chinese stimulus measures, the FII sell-off intensified as weak Q2 earnings struggled to justify high valuations on Dalal Street.
Posts in category All News
Relaxo Footwears Q2 PAT slides 17% YoY to Rs 37 cr (09-11-2024)
Relaxo Footwears’ net profit decreased 16.88% to Rs 36.73 crore on 5.02% fall in revenue from operations to Rs 679.37 crore in Q2 FY25 over Q2 FY24.
KPI Green- Turning Sunshine Into Cashflows (09-11-2024)
Q2 is a monsoon quarter and hence not comparable to Q1
Arrow Greentech (Old name: Arrow Coated Products) – Anybody tracking (09-11-2024)
As attractive as it may seem, I don’t trust the promoter group at all. Will stay away due to their history.
These 5 smallcap stocks witnessed a rise in prices with volumes in 3 days (09-11-2024)
ETMarkets’ analysis of BSE Smallcap stocks reveals that from November 6 to 8, five stocks consistently saw increases in price, trading volume, and delivery volume, indicating growing investor interest.
JSW Steel terminates Banai & Bhalumuda Coal Block development and production agreement (09-11-2024)
Subsequently, the Coal Block Development and Production Agreement entered into by the company in respect of the said Block has been terminated by the Nomination Authority, Ministry of Coal, vide Order dated 07 November 2024.