Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan accused Congress candidate Priyanka Gandhi Vadra of accepting support from the Jamaat-e-Islami in the Wayanad by-election. Vijayan challenged the Congress to explicitly state whether they would reject votes from the organization, which he criticized for its alleged fundamentalist ideology and stance against democracy.
Posts in category All News
Trading holiday on Nov 20 for Maha polls; Tata AM launches innovation fund (08-11-2024)
Tata Asset Management on Friday announced the launch of Tata India Innovation Fund to tap the growth potential of companies that are ahead on the innovation front
Broadway’s ‘Maybe Happy Ending’ Asks: Can Robots Fall in Love? (08-11-2024)
“Maybe Happy Ending” had an initial Korean-language production in Seoul in 2016. Here are five things to know about the show.
Trent — A value unlocking story from the house of TATA (08-11-2024)
@Investor_No_1 You are very right about momentum Investors. I can speak for me. Once it has gone 20% down from ATH ( actually it went 22% down) I was out of the stock as that was one of my exiting criteria. Last 3 months, it didn’t give me any returns…i got out at break-even. I felt bad for selling it. In earlier times , this stock has given me 120% returns, before i started momentum portfolio…it was one of my favourite stock.
What a Second Trump Term Could Mean for Your Money (08-11-2024)
Here’s what the president-elect has said he might do with your taxes, student loans, Social Security and more.
Time technoplast (08-11-2024)
The battery portion of the company is too small (both revenue & profits) at the company’s consolidated scale.
In prev conf calls, mgmt was fully intent on selling it off or even let the division’s employees buy it out (my memory is slightly hazy here). Battery division divestment probably got pushed down as mgmt was concentrating on overseas divestment (which has dropped off now).
For now it looks like just consolidation of divisions doing similar work.
I haven’t seen anything in last 6 years of following the company that says the battery division has any great IP/product with potentially competitive scale that can make a difference to company’s fortunes.
House Committee Targets Chip Technology Firms for China Ties (08-11-2024)
It requested information from a handful of firms that make chip manufacturing possible about their commercial ties to China.
Piccadily Agro Industries Ltd (08-11-2024)
This year YT Botted in Origin BIO Imported brand business has degrown by 1 percent while Indian single malts have grown by 15-20 percent and luxury single malts i.e, Amrut Rampur , Indri , Paul John. Gianchand have gained major volumes in Indian markets and growth looks promising smaller base and all companies producing single malts are facing issues in getting aged malts for production . PAIL is one of the largest malt spirits producer in North and they have stopped selling malt spirits to other distilleries/bottling plants and there is serious shortage of malt spirit .So PAIL is in a good position which will benefit them in coming years,