The stock fell 1.74 per cent on Friday to Rs 805 per share, as the company missed street estimates, which had projected a net profit of around Rs 5,000 crore
Posts in category All News
NSE plans new commodity offerings, delays agri product launch for now (08-11-2024)
Addressing a media roundtable, he said the NSE is currently focusing on non-agricultural products for trading on its commodity exchange because such products offer greater certainty
These 8 consumer discretionary stocks hit 52-week highs, rallied up to 50% in a month (08-11-2024)
Despite the Sensex falling 55 points to 79,486, eight stocks from the BSE Consumer Discretionary Index reached 52-week highs. A 52-week high indicates a stock’s highest price in the past year.
Tatas may choose Singapore as partner for chip plan (08-11-2024)
Tata Sons will likely choose Singapore as a “key partner” for its semiconductor plans, a senior minister from the city-state said on Friday. Speaking to reporters after a meeting with Tata Sons chairman N Chandrasekaran earlier in the day, Singapore’s minister for home affairs and law K Shanmugam said semiconductors was a “big discussion” point during the meeting. “If they (Tatas) want to, they can do business with anybody in the world.
Tata Motors Q2 PAT drops 10% YoY to Rs 3,450 cr (08-11-2024)
Tata Motors reported 9.97% decline in consolidated net profit to Rs 3,450 crore on 3.74% fall in revenue from operations to Rs 104,444 crore in Q2 FY25 over Q2 FY24.
MFs tighten grip on domestic stocks; FPI-DII ownership gap narrows further (08-11-2024)
Their share in India’s market hits fresh record high