The IPO, which opens Wednesday and closes Friday, has been priced in the band of ₹371-390 per share. The grey market premium – the price in the unofficial market that investors pay for the shares before listing – was at ₹20 for Swiggy on Tuesday, a 5% premium to the upper price band of ₹390.
Posts in category All News
Adani Energy, Oberoi Realty, BSE could join MSCI Global (06-11-2024)
With foreign institutional investor headroom in HDFC Bank remaining above 20% in the quarter ended September, India’s largest private-sector bank is set to attract an additional $1.8 billion in foreign inflows.
Too early to panic about India, but good to be awake & aware: Brian Friedman (05-11-2024)
When you start to look past the US today, there’s a good argument that the most interesting market is India. Now the question will be the extent of the opportunity and the durability. If supportive policies continue and if corporates can grow their investments, this could be a fundamentally game-changing cycle
Sensex rebounds 694 points with strong buying in metals, banks (05-11-2024)
NSE’s Nifty rose 217.95 points, or 0.91%, to end at 24,213.30. BSE’s Sensex gained 694.39 points, or 0.88%, to close at 79,476.63. The gains were the highest in a day since September 20. The upside was fueled by metal and bank stocks.
Boeing’s Strike Is Over. What’s Next for the Company? (05-11-2024)
The aerospace manufacturer and its new chief executive face a daunting to-do list, including improving quality and increasing production of its commercial planes.