The company’s revenue declined 7% year-on-year to Rs 5,519 crore in the July-September period. Profit before exceptional items and tax fell 10% to Rs 2,305 crore for the quarter. The company had provided for an exceptional item of Rs 2,363 crore in the year-ago quarter.
Posts in category All News
Markets revive as investors cast wide net for value; Sensex up 694 points (05-11-2024)
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Ahead of Market: 10 things that will decide stock action on Wednesday (05-11-2024)
Indian equity indices rebounded on Tuesday, driven by investor interest in undervalued financial stocks ahead of the U.S. election. The Nifty 50 rose 0.91%, and Sensex gained 0.88%. Analysts see potential for a bullish reversal, with buy-on-dips strategies recommended.
NSE chief hints at substantial hit to F&O volumes (05-11-2024)
The discontinuance of Bank Nifty weekly expiry will contribute the most to a decline in overall option index volumes, NSE chief Ashishkumar Chauhan said
Government to sell 2.5% in Vedanta-owned Hindustan Zinc through OFS (05-11-2024)
The offer will open for non-retail investors on November 6, while retail investors can bid on November 7