The no. of equity shares is relatively low. Jusr 1.45 cr. This will give per share sale of ~35 Rs. P/S comes to around 3.8. If we consider the latest quarterly report annualized, which is safe to do as the sales have consistently grown QoQ from 2020 onwards, annual sales will be 60cr (15cr Q1 FY23) This will give an sales per share of ~41 and P/S of 2.9. Based on these numbers it’s not too cheap and not too expensive either.
The thing imo is that no one invests in this microcap stock keeping in mind the current numbers and stats. This is too risky a bet to make sense of via current performance. This is a bet/speculation on the future potential of this business. Different people have different ways of arriving at that future value but it’s potential value all the same.
Personally I am holding from price of 65 and not expecting any big upticks anytime soon unless some hanky panky stuff plays out. But I’ll bestaying invested all the same.
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