We will have to wait for the prices to mean revert, which will happen eventually. there is good demand in India on the Commercial Vehicle side, i read a report on the replacement cycle in commercial vehicles as well. read multiple articles talking about an upcoming better growth for CV, even cholafin stock is rallying, they are majorly into CV financing. we will have to wait and watch how things develop. US UK recession may slow down the market a bit however PCBL has 70% sales in India and the CEO said they are seeing more traction in Indian markets. i will watch sundaram finance, shriram transport finanace and chola finance sales to get a decent understanding of the growth in CV space and track the auto numbers of big 5 to see if auto sales are inccreasing at a higher clip. PCBL majoy revenue is from tyres so the tyre industry has to do well for them to do well. the previous rally in PCBL happened between 2014 -2018, it coincided with the auto boom
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