By James Butler
Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy other, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper.
Business Breakdown
Learning from Sol Price
By Investment Master Class
Walmart’s founder, Sam Walton, noted in his biography, “Most everything I’ve done I’ve copied from somebody else.” Later he divulged, “I guess I’ve stolen – I actually prefer the word ‘borrowed’ – as many ideas from Sol Price as from anybody else in the business.”
33 Things I Stole From People Smarter Than Me on the Way to 33
By Ryan Holiday
I’m not so interested in productivity advice anymore, but I remain, as ever, focused on taking advice from people smarter than me. So here are some of the best pieces of advice—things I try to live by, things I tried to revisit and think about this year—about life.
Best Books and Resources for Venture Capitalists
By Nnamdi Okike
This is a rough list that have been accumulated over fifteen years as the writer’s career as a venture investor, in no particular order. All of these books can be purchased relatively cheaply on Amazon.
Productivity Hack
11 Life Lessons From History’s Most Underrated Genius
By Jimmy Soni and Roy Goodman
Insights on work and creativity from the life of mathematician Claude Shannon, the most influential figure you’ve never heard of.
News article
Warren Buffett’s deputy explained how he snowballed his retirement account from $70,000 into $264 million, how he shrugs off losses, and how people can save a fortune
By Theron Mohamed
Warren Buffett’s deputy grew his retirement fund from $70,000 to $264 million in less than 30 years. Ted Weschler explained his strategy and offered tips for savers in a recent interview.
Building Exceptional Relationships with Family, Friends, & Colleagues
By Stanford Graduate School of Business
Join Lecturers David Bradford, Ph.D. and Carole Robin, Ph.D. in conversation about the lessons in their new book “Connect” (based on the beloved course) and specific suggestions on how to apply them to your relationships today.
David Senra – Passion & Pain
By Joincolossus
David Senra is the creator of the Founders podcast. We cover what made him obsessive about studying history’s greatest entrepreneurs, the most common themes he’s discovered in his studies, and the role obsession plays.
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