I am new to investment community. My questions may look very basics. But just want to understand how grid works before investing on it
- When a grid is already laid from particular destination to another… Can a new power generator use existing line to transmit the power
Ex – Indus towers – Once a tower is placed in a city. Any number of telecom player can pay rent and use the tower for their service.
Will grid lines work same way? A same grid can be used my many players …
Is there any limit in transmitting power through the grid lines?. If powergrid want to increase the capacity. Can it charge additional amount to the customer for increasing the grid capacity or upgrading grid lines…
Adani have been aggressively acquiring many transmission project in recent times. What is the moat that powergrid have to compete with private players in future…
3 big players in power generation – RIL, TATA, Adani… The projects they undertake, will they lay their own transmission lines for intracity or approach powergrid for their services… Because most of the new power generation is done by these 3 private players…
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