Thanks Ishmohit,
Besides parents issues which you highlighted, Gland also seems to have their own issue. In Q1 concall they gave the reason for shortage of syringes – my mistake 1 trusted them.
In this qtr they say shortage of bags and stoppers etc. As per me no other co says such a shortage. Also gland doing capax with 500 people – I don’t like it. Q1 call they committed margin and growth numbers – in Q2 call they seemed confused, noncommittal as of now.
Mistake 2 not fully exited post results (take more time for me to listen to recorded concall, loss of investing part time).
Disc: Have invested in IPO, Partially exited this week. Good lesson learnt not to trust management fully.
This is my views – I may be wrong – not an advise to sell etc.
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