This is a real concern and the petrol vehicles may be outdated sooner than we think. On the other hand, I found that at Buxer, L&T is constructing a Thermal Power Station for SJVN. When I asked the authorities, they said, the project had been approved long back. I had my doubts as the reconsideration of the project may be less costly than having to scale down the Thermal Plant lateron. I suppose it would be run on coal! So, govts do not always run on logic.
Added to this is the fact that automakers like Maruti are coming out with fuel guzzlers, as bigger and bigger SUVs (keeping up with the Joneses) are the norm.
On the whole I agree that the days of the fossil fuels are limited, and the green energy may be the main driver sooner than I think.
Till that time, till we have to import oil from Russia forsaking the moral high ground, or from Gulf, OIL or ONGC may still have their days in the sun.
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