Usha has come out with good q3 fy 23 results. Main highlight has been managing margins in an environment where raw material (metals) prices have been volatile. Might be further proof that company is a pure play converter of steel and not much exposed to vagaries of steel price volatility.
Results for q2 fy 23 ( comparision is y on y)
Sales up 17% from 712 cr to 834 cr.
EBIDTA up 20% from 101 cr to 131 cr
Net profit up 25% from 67 cr to 84 cr.
9M EPS (not annualised) 8.05 per share.
results and press release attached.
usha q3 fy 23.pdf (4.8 MB)
usha q3 fy 23 press release.pdf (421.5 KB)
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