There have been some inevitable delays in opening back locked threads after cleanup – mostly unavoidable. Many folks have written in – some even angrily – attributing uncharitable motives even -to VP Core Team.
So here’s a brief again on the reasons we had to resort to such measures (after repeated warnings had failed), for everyone’s benefit – so we get everyone to comply to Team VP Culture/Ethos and Forum Guidelines. And why we think the thread can now be opened up again, as main purposes have been served.
All negatives/discordant points that did not add-up were freely allowed to be made. We don’t think there was a single serious reader of this thread who wasn’t aware of the (grave) issues/doubts being raised. Genuine points and counterpoints, doubts, missing gaps/clarification from Management were made. Some of the issues (unless clarified by Management) were indeed grave, and no wonder passions were running high
However, just a handful of folks carried this to the extreme a) ad-nauseam repetitions of the same allegations/opinions (these ceased to be issues) b) blatant allegations of outright fraud were being claimed without attempting the slightest diligence to ascertain facts c) name-calling and abrasive behaviour d) thread became completely cluttered by the allegations and rebuttal opinions e) it was clear such folks were intent on pushing their “Agenda” at any cost. Consequently Business Dissection – which is the hallmark and unique VP strength- completely took a back-seat.
As Administrators/Moderators we intervened repeatedly, politely without any avail. These handful of folks were very new to VP Ethos/Culture and a couple even adopted a couldn’t care less attitude. We had to do something – as the core VP readership was getting turned off from reading the threads – and started complaining that any meaningful value-additive contribution was impossible in the face of the unrestrained/passionate ad-nauseam repetitions, agenda-pushing and its side effects. More threads started getting affected with the common malaise – Too much of NOISE – VP going the MC way? warning bells started getting sounded by genuine well-wishers and loyal readership of VP.
We could have taken the easy way out – suspended/terminated membership – and saved us all the trouble. The nuisance would have stopped/abated. However it is another unique Team VP trait – that we value all contributors and their contributions even as we may differ with their methods. We wanted these guys to be around – some of them had indeed ben making significant contributions too – just wanted to find a way to channelise their energies properly , sensitise them to the side-effects, and nudge them back to value-additive discussions – not be hesitant to use both the stick and the carrot to make new VP Members (understand how much we value, and) adhere to VP Culture/Ethos, rather than lose potentially great Team VP members.
We found Locking the thread – a viable way forward in our attempts to a) COOL the passions/fights b) get rid of the CLUTTER by deleting endless repetitions c) allow time for corrective actions/CLARIFICATIONS from Management on (grave) issues raised d) bring the FOCUS back on business dissection
As we are aware – the main irritant – the CASH question is addressed to an extent – and everyone should be charitable enough to wait for the Sep Balance Sheet to reflect progress on the Management clarifications.
Let’s bring the FOCUS back on value-additive discussions. Let’s always be polite and tolerant of counter opinions (to ours, no matter how passionate and self-righteous we may feel about our individual positions). Let’s always be conscious – think twice and thrice before posting, if need be – am I ADDING VALUE??
Let’s all be VIGILANT a in not letting discussion quality deteriorate. Please be polite and firm, but do let offenders know why such actions are not valued by Team VP. Use FLAGS liberally, if you want VP Community to stay true to its objectives.
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