This sums up the secret to making money or rather not losing the money that one already made. Simple this may sound, this is very complex as exactly at this stage, i.e., when the markets are falling in love with a company and people drive the stock higher ‘afraid’ of losing any upside – now, you need to turn contrarian and look at things from above and act on it. Not many can do this and this needs a special effort to overcome the behavioural psychology/herd mentality. Time and again Hitesh was able to do it so eerily going by his past posts. If I were to envisage his position with his permission, after selling out from Kaveri and tuning into Canfin and then find Kaveri going up and up while Canfin sailing at its pace, am sure it’s not easy unless the conviction is superb.
On a side note, I just want to know one thing in my money life, what date the bull market top will be made in this coming run? The next day you will find me in a beach with no internet connectivity, sipping coffee with a book in hand and no stress.
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