I have a thought on why Angel will displace Zerodha. Although it won’t happen in immediate future.
I went through Zerodha’s tech blogs and they mention that their core software engineering team is of just 30 members (as of 2020).
I must say that their technical blogs are solid and I loved their approach and emphasis to build everything with a long term perspective. This stands in stark contrast to the short sighted mindset prevalent in my team and other teams I have heard of at my company. (ps. I work as a software developer in a FAANG!).
However I personally believe that a small, albeit focused, team of software engineers can’t keep up with the growing requirements of new features, compliances and maintenance work. Their CTO has mentioned that their recruitment process is highly selective and rigourous. Anybody leaving the core team will create a big hole which will take a new joinee months to catch up.
Attrition rate at Zerodha is almost Nil from what I have heard, but this is taking chances!
Disc: Invested, although the above thought isn’t the reason why I have invested.
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