Sebi on Tuesday sent a notice to Yes Bank’s former MD and CEO Rana Kapoor asking him to pay Rs 2.22 crore in a case of misselling the lender’s AT-1 bonds and warned of arrest if he fails to make the payment within 15 days.
The regulator also warned that his assets and bank accounts would be attached in case the payment is not made within the stipulated time.
The case relates to misselling of the bank’s AT-1 (Additional Tier-1) bonds to retail investors by the bank’s officials.
It was alleged that the bank and certain officials did not inform investors about the risk involved while selling the AT-1 bonds in the secondary market. The sale of AT-1 bonds started in 2016 and continued till 2019.
The demand notice came after Kapoor failed to pay the fine imposed on him by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) in September 2022.
In a notice issued on Tuesday, Sebi directed Kapoor to pay Rs 2.22 crore, which includes interest and recovery cost, within 15 days.
In the event
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