If you are devoting your time directly in markets than its important that you generate at least 20% annualized returns. Thats not possible with conventional approach which i have learned hard way. Let me give you an example, my absolute returns from Dec 22 which was peak till now are 75%. 70% My holdings have changed every year. Top 5 bets always make 60% of portfolio. Juggling in small cap gives high beta, Force motors moved from 1300 to 3500, Kalyan moved from 110 to 228, AGI Green 300 to 750, recently bought SKM egg at 230 one month back which is quoting at 440.
AB Fashion, was largest holding in PF at 360, dropped to 220 still holding, capital could have been utilized somewhere else.
Keep 10% of your PF moving with small and stocks in news. Thats give u additional return generation capability.
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