After sustained buying in the last six months, FPIs have turned net sellers and pulled out of over Rs 14,767 crore from Indian equities in September, primarily due to dollar appreciation, steady rise in the US bond yields, and a spike in crude oil prices.
Going forward, the outlook for FPI flows in India is uncertain, as it will depend on the performance of the Indian economy, the RBI’s October monetary policy, and the outcome of the September quarter earnings, Mayank Mehra, smallcase, manager and principal partner at Craving Alpha, said.
According to data with the depositories, Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPIs) have sold shares to the tune of Rs 14,767 crore in September.
The latest outflow came after FPI investment in equities had hit a four-month low of Rs 12,262 crore in August. Before the outflow, FPIs were incessantly buying Indian equities in the last six months from March to August and brought in Rs 1.74 lakh crore during the period.
V K Vijayakumar, Chief Investment …
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