Notes from Frog Cellsat Limited from the Annual Report 2022-23
Frog has ventured into defense projects
Its new manufacturing facility in Noida marks an increase in capex, enabling full-fledged operations by Q1 FY2024
Certified by the Department of Science and Industrial Research (DSIR) Government of India.
New CEO appointed – Mr. Pankaj Gandhi as the CEO of Frog Cellsat Ltd., effective May 2023. ( Professional Management – a positive)
Phase 1 construction of the new manufacturing facility in Noida, covering 100,000 sq. ft., signals increased capex.
Full-fledged operations begin in Q1 FY2024.
Phase 2 construction (60,000 sq. ft.) is ongoing and expected to complete by Q3 FY2024.
Increased hiring expenses as they see growth in the next few years
No Revenue Growth but 100% debt free company
In FY2023, Frog clocked revenues at 1,33 Cr, which is relatively at the same level of 132.9 Cr million in FY22
- FY24 Guidance –
Revenue is expected to grow in the range of 45% to 50% in FY2024,
EBITDA margins are expected to be in the space of 16% to 18% for FY2024 vs 16.48% in FY23
- Employee benefits: ( 151 employees as of March 2023 / 197 as perLinkedIn 5th Oct 2023)
The Company extends assistance for education of children of the employees. Shiksha Sahyog Policy
Median employee tenure ‧ 6.2 years (LinkedIn)
Red Flags:
Promoters has issued shares to themselves for almost free before the IPO: 225 (Two Hundred and Twenty-Five) new equity share for every 1 (One)
Production Linked Incentives are recognized as income when on the basis of the judgment of the management
There are several litigations pending for the inventory filed by the Company
TDS default for previous years amounting to Rs 5.99 lacs
They are getting into defense/government projects so the payment cycle will increase
Things to monitor:
Revenue Growth guidance that management has given can be achieved , very aggressive
Track related party transactions as they do have a few
They are eligible for and get PLI incentives from the government in the next FY
Progress and deliverables from the new Noida plant from Q1 FY2024 onwards
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