As per an email response from the company, the company shares are listed only on BSE but not on NSE. They were traded on NSE as part of a NSE’s marketing strategy. Seems that marketing strategy period for trading of this company shares may be over and company would have to formally list its shares on NSE platform by following the procedure which may also need monetary expenses in form of listing fee etc. As of now company doesn’t have any plans to list its shares on NSE and it seems to be the case that company wants to save some cost. As such it’s not because of any kind of ‘ban’ that they’re not traded on NSE.
Seems like this is a pretty common scenario that I got to know recently. There are many such companies that are listed only on BSE and not on NSE, which explains why NSE might have a marketing strategy to temporarily trade shares that are not listed on it.
Reference: Listing Process in the Indian Stock Market | Motilal Oswal
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