Data Patterns (India) Limited, a defense and aerospace electronics solutions provider, has reported significant growth in its financial results for Q2 FY 2023-24.
Key Highlights:
- Total income for Q2-FY24 increased by 32% compared to the same period last year.
- Revenue from operations in the same quarter increased by 23%.
- Operational EBIDTA increased by 35%.
- Profit Before Tax (PBT) improved by 61%.
- Profit After Tax (PAT) also increased by 61%.
For H1 FY 2023-24:
- Total revenue for the first half of the year increased by 38%.
- Revenue from operations in the corresponding half-year period increased by 27%.
- Operational EBIDTA increased by 33%.
- Profit Before Tax (PBT) improved by 69%.
- Profit After Tax (PAT) increased by 69%.
- The company’s order book as of the date stands at INR 1003.27 Crores.
- Orders negotiated but not yet received are at INR 78.78 Crores.
- Including converted negotiated orders, the total order book reaches INR 1,082 Crores.
Mr. Srinivasagopalan Rangarajan, Chairman & Managing Director of Data Patterns (India) Limited, expressed satisfaction with the strong revenues and order inflow for Q2 and H1 FY24. The company is committed to further investments in product development to capitalize on the opportunities in the defense program run by the Government of India.
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