Time techno has been discussed many times before on this thread. It came out with good q2 fy 24 results this week. Stock price managed to close above its 4 month consolidation range of 140-160 (marked on charts) . Concall scheduled on 16 th Nov.
In the presentation, besides the usual results details, an important announcement by the management has been the following quote… The Company is in advanced stages of discussion for 2 out of 3 geographies for the said consolidation cum restructuring of overseas business and
estimating to complete the transaction including receipt of proceeds in FY 2023-2024.
This has been a long pending trigger in this company. First time management has given a timeline to this restructuring exercise. Going ahead we need to see the quantum of amount that is involved in this exercise. disc: invested.
time techno q2 fy 24 presentation.pdf (2.4 MB)
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