Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd (IREDA) on Thursday fixed the price band for its up to Rs 2,150.21 crore Initial Public Offering (IPO) at Rs 30-32 per equity share, the company said here on Thursday.
The company’s maiden IPO will open for the public on November 21 for subscription and close on November 23, it said.
Investors can bid for a minimum of 460 equity shares and in multiples of 460 equity shares thereafter, it said.
The public issue of face value of Rs 10 per equity share comprises fresh issuance of equity shares up to 403.16 million and an Offer for Sale (OFS) of up to 268.78 million shares aggregating to up to 671.94 million equity shares, the government-owned company said.
The company is into promoting, developing and extending financial assistance for new and renewable energy projects, and energy efficiency and conservation projects, offering a comprehensive range of financial products and related services, from project conceptualisation to …
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