That sounds good. Is the call limited or could others take part – even in listening mode – as well? If yes, do share details.
Areas I might seek clarifications are
U.S sales : what kind of volumes and margins and by when? Implications of this on sales to existing clients. If not from client side at least from production constraints side.
What is their sense of when member countries will ratify and adopt it? What concrete steps is India taking for regional agreements to go around this? Any plans of acquisitions in Vietnam? How long does it take to ramp up capacity to plant optimal scale? Do they prefer greenfield route or acquisition route? Why? How will they respond to glut in India of yarn and fabric once yarn forward principle is applied?
What are growth plans in India? In terms of volumes, values, margins and time frames.
What are growth plans in Europe and Japan in terms of volumes, values, margins and timeframes.
How do they plan to build in house brand building capabilities?
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