Nice points here. More power to you in your fitness journey.
Adding my 2 cents here.
Anything that has served mankind for thousands of years pre-industrialisation must be good.
That means meat, eggs , plants , nuts , berries, milk , fruits ( best has to be local available variety which is not GMO ) are by and large good. Avoid too much cooking, frying oil etc.
That also means all processed foods seeped in sugar and artificial flavours go out of the window.
When you think about it even our staples like rice , wheat etc were also mass produced in the near past .( 8-9 k years history only ). In our sedentary life style having a lot of carbs in the form of rice , chappathies etc is also not advisable.
I have personally experienced that just cutting sugar ( added sugar ) from your diet alone can give immense health benefits , cuts your waste line and boosts well-being.
P.S: I am in no way qualified in any field remotely related to nutrition and health. Just interested and sharing my thoughts.
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