The National Stock Exchange (NSE) on Wednesday said seven passive funds tracking Nifty Indices have been introduced in Japan and Korea this year, suggesting a strong demand from global asset managers for launching such India-focused products.
Of these, six products are tracking Nifty 50 and one product is tracking Nifty50 2x leverage index.
“These new products have garnered Assets under Management (AUM) of about USD 550 million,” the National Stock Exchange (NSE) said in a statement.
At present, there are 21 passive funds tracking Nifty Indices outside India. In addition, there are 270 passive funds tracking various Nifty Indices in India.
In the last 10 years, the total AUM of passive funds tracking Nifty Indices in India and outside has increased to about USD 70 billion in November 2023 from about USD 1 billion in November 2013, growing at an annualized rate of 53 per cent.
“We are seeing a strong demand from global asset managers for launching India-focused passive products. Th
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