Market size and market share: Segment-wise market size and company’s share is as follows Pipes – Rs.
37000 crore/9.6%, Adhesives – Rs. 18,000 crore/4.7%, Adhesives UK – Rs. 14000 crore/2.4%, Paints – Rs.
58,000 crore/0.4% and new businesses – Rs. 25000 crore/0.8%.
The above is from the report of sharekhan in March 2022. (
Below is the 2Q2023 (2QFY2023-2024) concall:
Now to summarize all the four verticals, we are very happy with the performance and we
are confident that this growth momentum will continue and we will keep working hard to
gain the market share and last but not least that our core vertical that is pipe, you can see
that in spite of higher base, we are still gaining the market share and with brand getting
more and more stronger will gain more and more market share in the coming time because
we are adding a lot of new geographies in terms of manufacturing facility, which will help
us to grow market share and reduce our trade cost.
My question is how much market share Astral has in above verticals as on date
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