Concall: Q2FY24 (18th Dec 2023)
- Current Styrene monomer prices: ~1050$
- There used to be 3 players in this space and now with LG polymers shut there are only two key players.
- The demand for LG Polymers is being substituted by Supreme, Styrenix and imports.
- Capex Plan:
- Making mass ABS plant
- Currently ABS is imported in the range of 130-140,000 tons with total mkt being of 275,000 tons
- Have further land for brownfield expansion if needed
- this is a different way to make ABS than the emulsion ABS; the former is a continouous process while the latter is a batch process. The energy costs are roughly 2x higher for the latter
- This imlies that Supreme will become a cost efficient player in ABS once ready
- 1200 Cr: Completion by March 2026
- 500cr: Already incurred
- Balance 700 cr will be spent between now and march 26
- Once complete this capex at capacity utlisation of 70-80% should lead to additional revenues of 3000cr
- Making mass ABS plant
- On XPS:
- <2% of revenue at present
- No competition as only player
- Highly climate friendly as helps in thermal insulation of buildings hence reduces energy requirements (both hot and cold) and thereby decreases emissions
- Govt and corporates are using it but individuals arent
- Eg in CPWD, possibly this was used in the new parliament building too.
- If you wish to understand this product: InsuBOARD
- On competition expanding
- No worries as enough demand as we still import.
- It ll eventually be import substitute
- PS:
- Expect muted growth as appliance mkt has beem slow
- Expect mas 4-5%
- EPS:
- Expect 8% growth
- XPS:
- Again 8-10%
- Capacity
- PS: 300000 tons (Styrenix ~ 75000 tons); total market is around 315thousand tons
- EPS: 1,10,000 tons
- Use: packaging, insulation food packaging, cold storage, construction
[Disclosure: Invested]
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