How about compressors? Isn’t that required in Hydrogen processing chain?
This is from Kirloskar Pneumatics concall
“Now, the next question you asked is on green hydrogen. Now, we do not specifically look at
whether it’s green, blue, gray hydrogen because we are agnostic to it. What we do is, we make
compressors for handling hydrogen. At the moment, we have reciprocating compressors for
handling hydrogen at the refineries. This has been running for quite some time, and they are
basically used in diesel refining. Now, the new compressors that we are developing is for
higher pressure storage, which will go anywhere between 350 bar to 700 bar pressure, which
means this hydrogen after compression can be stored and transported. Now, this compressor is
under development with, IIT Bombay. First phase has been completed in terms of mechanical
scoping. We are now getting into building the prototype and hopefully we should have a
modular design where we can make for pressure anywhere from 300 bar going up to 700 bar
and we should have this in the next 18 months.”
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