When one has ample time, one can go with MFs because the corpus required for these goals can be calculated and the time is also known, particularly education goal, as it cannot be postponed. One can rebalance as per returns or % growth of the funds, and as time goes forward, even if 70% or 80% of the corpus is achieved, one can move to debt.
Investing in stocks for goals could be risky, as one cannot manage a large group of stocks like MFs do, and what kind of stocks should consist of such a group is also a big question. High growth stocks, GARP, value, undervalued, dividend etc etc.
One can look at stock advisories though, as the work is done by them just like MFs, and all one does is to read the reports sent, invest and sell as per the recommendations.
And retirement is complex compared to education, there are a lot of moving parts.
Just my thoughts.
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