Booking partial profits is always a good thing to do. Even I was holding since listing and booked around 100 levels, then re-entered few days before earnings.
I agree the major risks you mentioned about PSU, and that is something we definitely have to track.
Still not convinced about credit cycle though. Credit cycle is in early stages for most NBFC, plants are getting setup for Ethanol, Renewable energy etc, and the loans given are for long period. It would take some time for the bad governance to come out, projects by SME to fail (to which IREDA) has loaned money.
Even Gensol Engineering has got loan from IREDA recently, and that again is quite Risky IMO when we have companies like Tata Power in the same space.
I always appreciate someone’s contra views! If not for contra views, there would be herd mentality in VP.
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