As always, this thread is more of a tracker for myself and open for reviews from other people. Key takeaway over the last month has been to:
a. Trim position size if any adverse news on top holdings – e.g., Polycab. Was late to cut the position as it meant selling my position I had built at ~600. Lost quite a bit of gains
b. Track trends more closely on Social Media and follow-up with technical and fundamental analysis. e.g., SW Solar has been a big win, but at the same time lost out on other railway stocks (could have used a sharp SL for quick entry and exit) -this adds to overall portfolio XIRR
Have entered a few new positions (Tanla, Equitas SFB etc.) and do expect to churn out underperformers post concalls to reduce number of stocks e.g., Mayur Uniquoters, Globus Spirits.
Portfolio returns in Jan have been just 1%, in-line with small and mid-cap indices due to blow-up of my large 10% Polycab position but still delighted that I was diversified enough (Neuland, SW Solar, Tata Power) that I escaped damage at portfolio level.
On a overall portfolio level still at a healthy cash level (~30%) and will move money to India/US to BTFD
Category | Symbol | Allocation% | PnL% |
Long-Term | TATAPOWER | 6.63% | 58.5% |
NEULANDLAB | 6.41% | 105.3% | |
POLYCAB | 5.69% | 96.0% | |
SWSOLAR | 5.31% | 48.7% | |
NCC | 5.21% | 27.8% | |
FLUOROCHEM | 5.16% | 22.5% | |
ICICIBANK | 4.68% | 5.5% | |
NH | 4.64% | 54.3% | |
APLAPOLLO | 4.38% | 15.6% | |
RACLGEAR | 4.36% | 78.3% | |
GRAVITA | 4.12% | 43.3% | |
AARTIIND | 4.04% | 13.8% | |
MASTEK | 3.16% | 1.4% | |
RELIANCE | 3.05% | 14.2% | |
TIPSINDLTD | 2.94% | 9.1% | |
KPITTECH | 2.69% | 104.9% | |
JBCHEPHARM | 2.17% | 23.2% | |
IEX | 2.07% | -13.0% | |
MAYURUNIQ | 1.89% | 2.6% | |
EQUITASBNK | 1.86% | -3.8% | |
PRICOLLTD | 1.79% | 8.7% | |
INTELLECT | 1.64% | 9.9% | |
TANLA | 1.45% | -7.6% | |
SBCL | 1.42% | 8.4% | |
LAURUSLABS | 0.93% | -6.5% | |
Positional | DEEPAKFERT | 0.59% | -10.7% |
AVANTIFEED | 1.81% | 11.8% | |
PRAKASH | 2.37% | 21.9% | |
COSMOFIRST | 0.24% | -3.8% | |
Exit | GLOBUSSPR | 2.14% | -18.7% |
SGBSEP27-GB | 0.62% | 63.2% | |
Other | Cash | 4.55% | N.A |
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