An expert committee formed by Sebi on Friday suggested to abolish the requirement of a mandatory security deposit with the exchanges before a public issue, a move that could make it easier for companies to access the primary market.
Under the current rule, any company that is looking to launch a public or rights issue of equity shares has to deposit with the stock exchanges an amount equal to 1 per cent of the issue size. The deposit is returned to the company after the public issue.
In the consultation paper issued by Sebi, the committee suggested that the requirement of 1 per cent security deposit for public or rights issues may be done away with.
Explaining the rationale behind the move, the committee said that the requirement of 1 per cent security deposit was put in place for public/rights issues so that an issuer resolves investor complaints relating to the transaction such as for refund of application money, allotment of securities and dispatch of certificates.
However, …
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