Invoking Sixth Sense and its role in Business & Investing
The sixth sense is generally defined as a keen intuition or perception that enables one to grasp the true nature of a situation beyond the ordinary five senses. It is often associated with a deep understanding or insight that goes beyond what is immediately apparent. The concept of the sixth sense is not rooted in a specific discipline but rather in a combination of psychology, philosophy, and spirituality. It is a power of perception beyond the five senses; Intuition.It is an inner sense of guidance that can help you navigate your way through life, to better relationships, health, well-being, and success. It is a cumulative power of all your other senses – sight, sound, taste, touch, smell – that culminates in a stronger sense of inner knowing.
Humans have two brains—the familiar cranial brain and a “second brain” in the gut. Scientists recognize the web of neurons lining the gastrointestinal tract as an independent brain, and a new field of medicine—neuro-gastroenterology—has been created to study it. This enteric brain perceives, thinks, learns, decides, acts, and remembers all on its own. The cranial brain sets us apart from the world, the thinking in the belly joins us to it. Having been taught to mistrust our bodies, to mistrust our intuition, to mistrust any information that is not analytical, we are now cut off from the feminine core of our intelligence—the belly brain.
The sixth sense remains a fascinating and somewhat elusive concept, blending elements of intuition, instinct, and perception. Warren Buffet, in an interview in 1999, said that investors need to fend for themselves and rely on their knowledge and Intuition when searching for promising businesses to invest in. Naval Ravikant, tech veteran: “It takes time to develop your gut, but once it’s developed, don’t listen to anything else.” All investment managers with experience have benefited during their careers from the use of the sixth sense. Even the U.S. Navy has invested millions of dollars in helping sailors and Marines refine their sixth sense because intuition can supersede intellect in high-stakes situations like the battlefield
In conclusion, the sixth sense serves as a compass guiding us through the complexities of life, offering insights beyond the realm of logic and reason.
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