Some more insights on the business on last Investors concall:
How they are evaluating business:” We remain steadfast in our commitment to growth, both organic and inorganic. Current market conditions have presented us with opportunities to consider the acquisition of several compelling bolt-on businesses. We are actively involved in discussions with various complementary enterprises. Our criteria for engagement revolves around several key factors including appealing valuation, synergies with our existing business, adjacencies to our current markets and the potential to enhance our technological capabilities. These parameters serve as a guiding principle as we navigate these discussions and evaluate potential opportunities. We are optimistic about the potential for strategic acquisitions to further strengthen our position in the market and drive sustainable growth for our Company.”
If we can successfully navigate the entire artificial intelligence acquisition that we’re looking at, I think there we will not only use it as a toolkit for our own use, but we will also sell it in the market as a solution for our partners. (“SuperScan”:
Interesting Question and Answer: if there any update regarding the remaining stake in iServeU (Currently 51%) and how we’re thinking of going about that?
Answer: I think no update really to give to the market just yet. We have got busy with a couple of M&A situations quite honestly and while we have signed a non-binding term sheet, there are a couple of others that we are actively looking at. So, that sort of took a little bit of a back seat and I want the business to start becoming profitable, but it’s certainly on the cards at some point in time we will do it, but nothing to really report or update right now.
We haven’t really shared anything in the public domain, but I can’t talk about it except that these are all situations where we think they are good bolt-on ideas and suggestions or businesses that either gave us access to technology or access to a client base that we otherwise don’t have access to. So, that’s really the driver and obviously there could be potential businesses where we could also get access to some licenses, which again will require us to go back to RBI and get permission.
Who are the main distribution partners in the business: We have more than 5,500 CAs that log into our platform NiyoBlu and NiyoBlu is a digital platform, where a customer can log in and apply for a loan. We have more than 30 partners that work with us. These are lending partners apart from Niyogin itself being a lending partner and our plan there is to keep making some fee income on the distribution of unsecured business loans. So, that business is going quite well.!!!
NiyoginQ3.pdf (1.1 MB)
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