The debate we are having is time in the market vs timing the market. I personally do not have the confidence to time the market.
Missing just a few good days can have massive detrimental effects to long term returns. When stocks move they move very aggressively and we have seem the same with Mold Tek in the past, when gains have come they come super fast. Stock went from 200 to 1000 in less than 2 years time frame, during that journey there were weeks when stock price has doubled. Yes it is in consolidation now but fundamentals are quietly strengthening. Institutional investors have many advantages over retail investors. They have private meetings with promoters, they have access to industry reports worth 1000s of dollars etc. The only advantage we have is our ability to stay invested during hard times as we dont have the pressure to show gains to clients every month or quarter. We have to hold on dearly to that advantage if we wish to outperform.
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