Some back-channel communications reached VP Core Team – effectively saying there’s no hanky panky on our part be reassured. Just didn’t like/want/appreciate being answerable to anyone!!
That’s actually at the heart of the problem. As suspected, these type of folks don’t seem to recognise the VP ethos/culture
a) We have seen that couldn’t care less attitude in some new comers too (who thankfully do not have such mal-intention). It may be perfectly acceptable behaviour in chaotic unaccountable MC type forums, and may even be the norm. No one owes anything to the Community, there is no accountability, consequently it’s a free-for-all; there is no trust or credibility attributable to such platforms
b) VP on the other hand is all about caring and sharing and nurturing, playing win-win, always being polite, always respecting difference of opinion and contrary views because real value addition to ourselves happen when we can listen well.
VP is all about Accountability, Credibility and Trust. You and me and every member is privileged to have equal rights. Anyone can post on anything by adhering to some guidelines. It’s a privilege to be able to air your views or share your work on such a platform. Today when you post from such a platform with 10000+ registered members, you are using brand VP – known for its high-quality discussions, and the highly acknowledged structured communication pieces like Mgmt Q&A, Stock Story, Field Work, BQ & MQ exercises.
You are using the Platform’s Trust and its Reach, aren’t you? How can you take this privilege for granted. Assume zero Accountability ?? You don’t want to be answerable to anyone ???
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