Markets regulator Sebi has ordered the attachment of bank and share and demat holdings of Anugrah Stock and Broking to recover Rs 1.22 crore dues in a case related to violation of market norms.
The recovery proceedings have been initiated against Anugrah Stock and Broking Pvt Ltd after it failed to pay the Rs 1.22 crore, including interest, all costs and expenses, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Sebi) said in the attachment order on Tuesday.
In its notice, the markets watchdog asked all the banks, depositories and mutual funds not to allow any debit from accounts of Anugrah Stock and Broking. However, credits have been allowed.
Further, the regulator has directed all banks to attach all accounts, including lockers, of the defaulters.
In March 2021, Sebi passed an order and imposed a penalty of Rs 90 lakh on Anugrah Stock and Broking Pvt Ltd for violations of market norms.
The order follows a joint investigation carried out by Sebi, BSE, NSE and Central Depository Servi
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