Leading stock exchange BSE is expected to shell out more regulatory fee after the markets watchdog Sebi asked the bourse to pay the fee based on the “notional value” of its options contracts rather than on the premium value.
Also, the exchange has been asked to remit the differential payment for past years with interest. Initial data provided by BSE suggest an outgo of Rs 165 crore plus GST by the exchange.
Reacting to the development, shares of BSE have slumped as much as 18.64 per cent to an intra-day low of Rs 2,612.0 on the NSE on Monday. Finally, the stock settled 13.31 per cent lower at Rs 2,783 on the NSE.
There could be an increase in the BSE’s regulatory fee payments to Sebi due to the significant variance between the notional and premium values. This discrepancy arises from the calculation method, which involves multiplying the contract size by the underlying price.
Notional turnover represents the overall strike price of all contracts traded in derivatives, whereas premi
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